Can my organisation/event use the SNJF logo?

Just to make clear what we are talking about, this is the SNJF logo:

FBSNJFlogo 2


SNJF can decide to allow organisations (further: “users”) to use the logo, and even modify it.

However, there are rules that must be adhered to:


  • The logo cannot be connected to any other use than Special Needs Judo.
  • Text around or on the logo can in no way be derogatory, offensive or contain lewd language and/or pictures, such at the discretion of the SNJF Board.
  • SNJF gives permission in writing for the usage and/or modification of her logo;
  • SNJF can retract said permission at any time if the SNJF Board is of the opinion that usage of a (modified) logo is contrary to the objectives of the SNJF.
  • User will acknowledge that the logo is an original design of SNJF, specifically of Ben van der Eng.
  • It is allowed to modify the rectangular blue/yellow area (Area “A” in the diagram), for example by replacing it with a national flag.
  • It is not allowed to place text in area “A”.
  • The colours chosen for area “A” cannot obscure the two black stylised judo figures, i.e. a black flag would obscure the two judo figures and is not allowed.
  • It is not allowed to put the logo on a website in such a way that its X/Y ratio is disturbed.
  • Text added should be over the bottom of the logo, however it is not allowed to reach any higher that half of area “A”. See as an example the OESN logo at the bottom of this page.
  • Users of the logo are mentioned on this page of the SNJF website. Are you not on this list, then you must stop using the logo, as you do not have permission to use it.
  • Any discussion on points not mentioned in the above rules are decided upon by the SNJF Board.
  • Photoshop files containing the logo are available through the webmaster:
